
Ode to Pakistan

Ode to Pakistan

Using poetry as an agent for political conversations, I designed this publication to capture an impossible relationship between India and Pakistan. This projects explore the emotional facet of print media to evoke thought.

Collaboration with Mudita Pasari, designer and author.



How do the geographical borders get manifested in our minds, and behaviour?

In his series, Johnny Harris presented a beautiful argument, "Borders exist as much in our minds, as on land." The dichotomy of thought and expression was the starting point of this project where I questioned the manifestation of political boundaries on our minds which results in change of our behaviour and expression. As a part of this project, I physicalised the India-Pakistan border and the strength of invisible borders in our everyday life; to create a visual narrative that addresses and investigates the penetration of the political stigma in our everyday life and thought. 

The publication was a representation of a conflicting story, that was individual to each spread, and focused on different facets of commonalities across the border. The division in each spread became the border between India and Pakistan, and represented the invisibility of our political borders.
